New ace pigeon for Myself Winner of 1st ACE pigeon award in the eastern section middle distance of the mnfc 2015. 2nd Duplication Club Carentan 141 birds. 5th Duplication club Fougeres. 5th Duplication club Carentan 238 Birds. 5th club Ancenis 119Birds. 11th E Section 621 Birds Carentan MNFC 21st Section 963 Birds Carentan MNFC. 9th E Section 477 Birds196th open 5612 Birds MNFC.
Sire and Gsire to winners and Half Brother to 1st national Bourges. Direct son of ULLA won 1st prov Limoges 8th national. ULLA is brother to SCHOUWMAN which is the Sire to BONK 39th Nat Argenton against 23,493 birds. BONK is the Sire Dora Mar” obtained 19 prizes (without doublings) and she achieved her second provcial victory in the Melun race on 26 August. 1e prov. Bourges 2006 2e nat. Bourges 11215p. 1e nat. acepigeon AVR yhf´06.
DAM PRINCESS POCO She is already the dam of:
- 1st Section 233b 7th Open NFC Saintes 5315b
- 1st Club Littlehampton 238b
- 1st Club Littlehampton 168b
- 5th Section Guernsey NFC YB
- 11th Section 101st Open National Bordeaux (On the Day).
- 12th Open Combine WOESRC Hastings 467b
- 17th Open Combine WOESRC Hastings 467b
- 18th Combine WOESRC Hastings 1486b
- 26th Combine WOESRC Hastings 1486b
A full sister of this hen also bred 2nd Section 10th Open NFC Poiters 5954b and scores of other winners for Brian Ferris, Bristol.